© 2024 Chad M. Harris

Meta Quest 2 Development

With the recent acquisition of a Meta Quest 2 HMD, I have begun to venture forth in the development of virtual reality. It has been interesting so far as I have some familiarity with Unity and experimenting with WebXR. Utilizing a brief guide online I was able to export and host the necessary files for […]

AVLFlavor Site Development

Hello everyone! Wanted to give a status update on a new site launch coming soon - AVLFlavor.com! This site will be devoted to "Food and Brew Review" for most of Asheville, NC! I originally came up with the idea when I was out one day and stumbled on an excellent cafe hangout that I truly […]

News & Updates

Hello everyone! I have recently decided to revisit my blog on my personal website as a means of keeping current with recent events and news that has been occurring over the past several months. I know it has been close to 2 years since my last update but a lot has happened up to this […]

New Equipment

I have been experimenting with the Panasonic GH5S over the last couple of weeks and have pleasantly surprised by the performance of the camera and quality of the images produced with it. While the majority of my experiments with the camera have been utilizing the slow motion capabilities at 240 frames per second in FHD, […]


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